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2016 427 Build pt2

Todd Pepmeier

So, the components are back from the machinist and I've started to prepare things for assembly.

Today, the bores were checked for cleanliness. Wiped down with a white shop towel. All clean, so a fresh coat of Marvel Mystery Oil on the bores. The hone finish was right where Total Seal recommended--Rpk: 10, Rk: 30; RVk: 35.

Next task was deburring the piston skirts. A few of the custom Ross pistons had been touched with a die grinder to get the weights equal across the set. There were some rough spots on the skirts, which I smoothed with Cratex rubber abrasive. A quick scrub with soap and the pistons are ready for assembly.

Next week, I plan to install the crank and pistons into the block. Stay tuned.



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